NIM : 12410100109
NAMA : M Muzamil Indra Cahya
TUGAS Summary of english list:
- Conjunction
- Phrases
- Articles
- Part Of Sentences
- Punctuation
- S+V Aggrement
Conjunctions (Kata Sambung) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata-kata, ungkapan atau kalimat dan sebagainya. Kata Sambung yang paling umum digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah “and”, “or” dan “but”.
Dawn likes mystery, adventure, and suspense in what she reads.(The conjunction, and, connects the three words mystery, adventure, and suspense.
I was going to write to you, but i decided to call instead.(The conjunction, but, connects the two groups of words I was going to write to you and I decided to call instead
Pembagian Conjunction
Coordinating conjunctions
A coordinating conjunctions connects words or groups of words that perform the same function in a sentence. The coordinating conjunctions are in the following list.
and for or
but nor yet
Pembagian Coordinating Conjunction:
- Cumulative (Menunjukkan penambahan)
- Alternatives (Menunjukkan Pilihan)
- Adversatives (Menunjukkan Pertentangan)
- illative (menunjukkan Kesimpulan)
kata sambung yang dimaksudkan untuk mengakumulasikan sebuah kata atau kalimat dengan kata atau kalimat lainnya. ex: You and I just like a brother ( kau dan aku seperti saudara )
Alternatives(menunjukkan pilihan)
Kata sambung alternative ini biasanya merujuk kepada sebuah alternative pilihan yang ada. Ex: Don’t step a side or I have to kill you ( jangan bergerak atau aku harus membunuhmu )
Adversatives (menunjukkan pertentangan)
digunakan untuk menunjukkan hubungan pertentangan atau sesuatu hal yang sifatnya berlawanan. Ex: You are a genius but you aren’t Einstein(Kamu jenius tapi kamu bukan Einstein)
illative(menunjukkan kesimpulan)
digunakan sebagai penarik sebuah kesimpulan dalam suatu kalimat. Ex: I feel dizzy, so I decide to not go to school( aku merasa pusing, oleh karena itu aku memutuskan untuk tidak pergi ke sekolah )
Subordinating conjunction
Yaitu kata sambung yang menghubungkan antara anak kalimat dan induk kalimat. Artinya jika kita tidak menggunakan kata sambung, maka salah satu kalimat tidak dapat dimengerti maksudnya apabila ia berdiri sendiri/independent.
Subordinating conjunction diletakkan di depan dependent clause. Dan bersama dengan subordinating conjunction, dependent clause dapat diletakkan sebelum main clause (diikuti dengan koma) atau setelah main clause (kadang-kadang menggunakan koma di depannya). Ex: Although it was hot, he was wearing a coat.
Pembagian Subordinating Conjunction:
- Purpose (Maksud dan Tujuan) (in order that, so that, that), Ex: I bought a lot of books that I can prepare myself to pass the exam
- Condition(syarat) (althought, as long as, even if, even thought, if, provided that, thought, unless, while). Ex: You will pass the exam if you study hard
- Cause (sebab) (because). ex: We were late for the meeting because our ar broke down.
- Comparison (Perbandingan) (as, than), Ex: Mr. William is as tall as Mr. Robert
- Manner (Taraf atau Cara) (as, as if, as thought) Ex: Men will reap as they sow
- Time (Waktu) (after,as, as long as, as soon s, before, since, until, when, whenever, while), Ex: You can sit on my seat while I stand
konjungsi yang dipakai untuk menghubungkan unsur-unsur kalimat antara kata dengan kata, frase dengan frase, dan klausa dengan klausa (seperti halnya coordinating conjunctions).
Konjungsi yang umumnya digunakan adalah:
- both...and...
- either...or....
- neither...nor....
- not only...but also....
- whether...or.....
- She can both speak and write Japanese.
- Both my sister and my brother play the piano.
- I’m going to buy either a camera or a CD player with the money.
- Either she goes or I go.
Sumber: Materi presentasi
Houhten Mifflin english, Gramar and compasition, Third course, page 38. (stikom Library)
A. Prepositional phrases The prepositional phrase includes the preposition and the object of the preposition as well as any modifiers related to either.
1. The flying saucer appeared above the lake before it disappeared into space.
ABOVE is not an adverb because it has an object to complete its meaning; therefore, ABOVE is a preposition and the entire phrase is an adverb phrase.
2. Alix walked down the ramp to the beach.
DOWN is not an adverb because it alone does not answer where about the verb.
3. Christine discovered a pile of books hidden under the staircase.
UNDER is not an adverb because it alone does not answer where about the verb.
B. Participial Phrase
The participial phrase includes the participle and the object of the participle or any words modified by or related to the participle.
a. The car sliding out of control toward building will likely hit the window.
SLIDING modifies the CAR. The verb is WILL HIT.
b. The astronaut chosen to ride the space shuttle to Mars is afraid of heights.
CHOSEN describes the ASTRONAUT
c. Alex fell down the broken staircase.
1 Gerund Phrase
Terdiri dari bentuk-ing dari kata kerja dan satu atau lebih kata-kata yang terkait.
Contoh: Flying above the lake at this time of night seems a little dangerous.
FLYING adalah subyek dari kalimat. Subjek merupakan kata benda. Suatu bentuk dari kata kerja berakhir di ING dan digunakan sebagai kata benda adalah gerund. Jadi FLYING adalah sebuah gerund.
2. Gerund Phrase
Infinitive phrase adalah bentuk 'to+verb' yang diikuti oleh object atau adverb dari verb tersebut
Contoh: Even in New York, fans did not manage to buy the hype.
TO BUY adalah objek langsung dari kata kerja DID MANAGE. THE HYPE adalah obyek infinitive.
3. Appositives Phrase
sebuah kata atau frase untuk memperjelas kalimat utama. Terdiri dari:
Non-restrictive appositives tidak penting untuk makna kalimat.
Restrictive appositives sangat penting untuk makna kalimat.
Her husband, Fritz, is a nice guy.
Kami menganggap dia hanya memiliki satu suami. Dengan demikian, koma digunakan.
Evan's friend John cheated on the test.
EVAN memiliki lebih dari satu teman, karena itu, tidak ada koma digunakan untuk JOHN. Kita perlu nama untuk mengetahui teman yang sedang kita bicarakan.
Kata-kata Preposisi:
- In : Didalam
- On : Diatas
- Next to : Hampir
- In front of : Di depan
- Behind : Di belakang
- Beside : Disamping
- Opposite : Sebaliknya
- Between : Di antara
- To : Menuju
- Through : Melalui
- Past : Melewati
- on the corner : Di sudut
- Down : Bawah
- Up : Atas
- On the left of : Di sebelah kiri
- On the right of : Di sebelah kanan
- West : Barat
- East : Timur
- North : Utara
- South : Selatan
- Below : Di bawah ini
- A long : Sepanjang
- Turn right : Belok kanan
- Turn left : Belok kiri
Sumber: Materi presentasi
Definition of articles
English has two types of articles: definite (the) and indefinite (a, an.) The use of these articles
depends mainly on whether you are referring to any member of a group, or to a specific member
of a group:
1. Indefinite Articles: a and an
A and an signal that the noun modified is indefinite, referring to any member of a group. These
indefinite articles are used with singular nouns when the noun is general; the Corresponding
indefinite quantity word some is used for plural general nouns. The rule is:
- a + singular noun beginning with a consonant: a boy
- an + singular noun beginning with a vowel: an elephant
- a + singular noun beginning with a consonant sound: a user (sounds like 'yoa-zer,' i.e. begins with a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' is used)
- some + plural noun: some girls if the noun is modified by an adjective, the choice between a and an depends on the initial sound of the adjective that immediately follows the article:
- a broken egg
- an unusual problem
- a European country (sounds like 'year-o-pi-an,' i.e. begins with consonant 'y' sound)
Note also that in English, the indefinite articles are used to indicate membership in a profession,
nation, or religion.
nation, or religion.
·I am a teacher.
·Brian is an Irishman.
·Seiko is a practicing Buddhist.
Note also that in English, the indefinite articles are used to indicate membership in a profession,
nation, or religion.
·I am a teacher.
·Brian is an Irishman.
·Seiko is a practicing Buddhist.
2. Definite Article: the
The definite article is used before singular and plural nouns when the noun is particular or specific.
The signals that the noun is definite, that it refers to a particular member of a group.
The is used with noncountable nouns that are made more specific by a limiting modifying phrase or clause:
The coffee in my cup is too hot to drink.
The Japanese he speaks often heard in the countryside.
The intelligence of animals is variable but undeniable.
The is also used when a noun refers to something unique:
the White House
the theory of relativity
the 1999 federal budget
1. Understanding and Using English grammar (the third edition) by Betty Schrampfer Azar
2. Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide by Michael A. Pyle, M. A. and Mary Ellen Munoz Page, M. A.
The subject of a sentence is the noun---or word group acting as a noun---that performs the action expressed in the predicate of a sentence or clause. The subject may be one word: Sally loves chocolate. The subject may be in a noun phrase:
Seeing the parade was exciting.
The black and white dog was barking fiercely at the stranger.
The predicate is the part of the clause or sentence that says something about the subject. In other words, the part of the sentences that is not the subject and its modifiers is the predicate. A predicate can be one word or several words, not all of which are verbs.
The principal part of the predicate is the verb.
The dog sniffed.
The dog has been sniffing.
The dog sniffed, looked around, and growled.
Compound verbs are two or more verbs joined by a conjunction, (in this sentence, the word and) and relating to the same subject. The subject of the following sentences is cobra:
The cobra saw the dog coming closer and raised itself into striking position.
The cobra hissed, opened its hood, and prepared to strike.
Complete predicates are all the words in a clause or sentence except the subject and its modifiers:
The cobra saw the dog coming closer and raised itself into striking position.
The agile dog moved from side to side rapidly, trying to corner the cobra.
The object of a sentence can be a noun, pronoun, or word group that acts as a noun, and receives the action of a verb or is influenced by a transitive verb, verbal (a word derived from a verb, i.e., gerund, infinitive, and participle), or a preposition. (More on Objects).
1. Direct object: Receives the action of a verb or verbal and frequently follows it in a sentence. Direct objects are often needed to complete the thought of a sentence. "Rueben reads the newspaper." "Reuben reads" is a complete sentence, but it doesn’t express the complete thought. Reuben reads what? He reads the newspaper.
2. Indirect object: Tells for whom, to whom, or to what something is done. "Reuben reads his grandmother the newspaper." Reuben reads the newspaper to whom? to his grandmother. Grandmother is the indirect object. Pronouns are also used as indirect objects: "Reuben reads her the newspaper." Indirect objects often come between the verb and the direct object.
The sentence could also be: "Reuben reads the newspaper to his grandmother." The prepositional phrase to his grandmother is the indirect object of the sentence.
3. Object of Preposition: Objects follow prepositions and are linked by them to the rest of the sentence. (See Prepositional Phrase)
Complements (See also complements page)
A word or word group that completes the meaning of a subject, an object, or a verb.
1. Subject complement: Follows a linking verb and modifies or refers to the subject. It may be a noun (also known as a predicate noun or nominative) or an adjective (also known as a predicate adjective).
Olivia is pretty. (The adjective pretty is a subject complement; it describes the subject, Olivia.)
Annie is an English teacher. (The noun phrase English teacher is also a subject complement; it describes Annie.)
2. Object complement: Follows and modifies or refers to a direct object.
Blake considers American television silly. (Television is the direct object. silly describes television; it is the object complement.)
The judges elected her Miss Brazil, 2002. (Miss Brazil is the object complement, describing the direct object her.)
3. Verb complement: This is a direct or indirect object of a verb. It may be a noun, pronoun, or word or word group acting as a noun.
Aunt Bertie gave Patty my dessert. (Patty is the indirect object, my dessert is the direct object of the verb gave. Both are considered verb complements.)
1. Understanding and Using English grammar (the third edition) by Betty Schrampfer Azar
2. Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide by Michael A. Pyle, M. A. and Mary Ellen Munoz Page, M. A.
The following sections will help you understand and use different types of punctuation more effectively in your writing. This chapter begins with the comma, the punctuation mark which usually causes writers the most trouble, before turning to other types of punctuation.
- Use a comma before a co-ordinating conjunction that joins independent clauses (unless the independent clauses are very short)
- Use a Comma after an introductiory adverb clause and, often, after an introductiory phrase (unless the phrase is very short)
- Use a comma to separate items in a series.
- Use commas to set off non-restrictive elements and other parenthetical elements.
- Playing Parenthetical information between dashes has the opposite effect: it emphasises the material.
- After dinner we will play badminton
- The fingers on his left hand are bigger than those on his right.
- I wrapped the fresh fish in three layers of newspaper, but my van still smelled like trout for the next week. (commas with two independent clauses)
Equally important in understanding how to use commas effectively is knowing when not to use them. While this decision in sometimes a matter of personal taste. There re certain instance when you should definitely avoid a comma.
- do not use a comma to separate the subject from its predicate.
- do not use a comma to separate a verb from its object or its subject complement, or a preposition from its object.
- do not misuses a comma after a co-ordinating conjunction.
- do not use commas to set off words and short phrases (especially introductory ones) that are not parenthetical or that are very slightly.
- do not use commas to set off restrictive alements.
- do not use commas before the first item or after the last item of a series.
When to use a colon
The colon focuses the readers attention on what is to follow, and as a result, you should use it to introduce a list, a summation, or an idea that somehow completes the introductory idea. you may use the colon in this way, however, only after an independent clause.
Their lobbying efforts were ultimately useless: the bill was soundly defeated
When not to use a collon
You should not place a colon between a verb and its object or subject complement, or between a preposition and its object.
Ex: [Wrong]His neighbour lent him: a pup-tent, a wooden canoe , and a slighly battered coleman stove. (colon between verb and objects)
[right]His neighbour lent him a pup-tent, a wooden canoe , and a slighly battered coleman stove.
Houhten Mifflin english, Gramar and compasition, Third course. (stikom Library)
6. S-V Agreement
S-V agreement bisa berarti kesesuaian antara subject dan verb. Jika subject-nya tunggal (singular) maka verb yang digunakan pun yang singular. Sebaliknya, jika subject-nya jamak (plural) maka verb yang digunakan pun yang plural.
1. The earth is round. >> Bumi itu bulat.
‘earth’ adalah singular maka kata kerja to be yang dipakai adalah ‘is’.
2. The sun rises in the east. >> Matahari terbit di timur.
‘Sun’ adalah singular maka verb ‘rise’ ditambah ‘s’ jadi ‘rises’.*
3. Dolphins are mammals. >> Lumba-lumba adalah hewan mamalia.
‘Dolphins’ adalah plural ditandai dengan adanya ‘s’ **setelah ‘dolphin’ maka kata kerja to be yang dipakai adalah ‘are’.
4. Students study every day. >> Para siswa belajar setiap hari.
‘Students’ adalah plural ditandai dengan adanya ‘s’ setelah ‘student’ maka verb yang dipakai adalah ‘study’ tanpa ditambah ‘s’/’es’.
Jika suatu kalimat menggunakan there + to be maka to be yang digunakan tergantung dari kata benda (noun) yang mengikuti.
1. There is a book on the table. >> Ada sebuah buku di atas meja.
To be yang digunakan adalah yang singular yakni ‘is’ karena noun yang mengikutinya singularyakni ‘book’.
2. There are some books under the table. >> Ada beberapa buku di bawah meja.
To be yang digunakan adalah yang plural yakni ‘are’ karena noun yang mengikutinya plural yakni ‘books’
Subject yang diawali ‘every’ adalah singular. Contoh:
Every student is special.
Subject yang merupakan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun) adalah singular. Contoh: The information on newspaper is important.
*tidak semua verb cukup ditambah ‘s’ untuk subject yang singular. Ada beberapa verb yang ditambah ‘es’ seperti fix jadi fixes, study jadi studies. Ada pun verb yang berubah seperti have jadihas.
**tidak semua noun yang plural ditandai dengan ‘s’ di akhir hurufnya. Ada beberapa noun yangplural ditandai dengan ‘es’ seperti box jadi boxes. Ada pun noun yang tidak beraturan sepertiperson jadi people.
S+V aggrement
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